Portesham Parish meeting

Portesham Parish meeting will be held on Monday 27th June in the Methodist Hall


Monday 27th June 2022

 at 7.30pm

Methodist Hall Portesham


  1.  Election of Portesham Parish Chairman
  2. Housekeeping, welcome and apologies
  3. Minutes of the last meeting 21st March 2022
  4. Matters arising
  5. School’s Wildlife Area Project by Stuart Bainbridge
  6. Green Space – where children can play safe
  7. HGV traffic and speed
  8. Neighbourhood Plan Update – how it effects Portesham
  9. Pavilion update
  10. Funding grants available under S106 Development Fund
  11. Any other Portesham issues/business…


Portesham Councillors

David Collins

Marsha White

Ruth Chipp Marshall

Sue Weeden

Sharon Murdoch

Martin Bartlett

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